22nd Night of February 2015
On the 22nd February
night of February, 2015, it happened in a dream that rapture took place.
Suddenly, there was changes everywhere. People were crying and praying to God
for mercy, but it was clear that the heavens were shut against those prayers.
One of the surprising thing was
that instead of people to go up people were falling from up to down we kept
crying to God for mercy.
Houses began to scatter and
suddenly, fire got some part of the world and it was burning badly. (Rev22:72), (Eccle. 12: 13-14).
On the 1st Night in the month of March.
I also had a dream. In the dream,
I looked to the sky and saw a metallic object, so I was wondering what an
object was doing on the sky. The object showed fully and it was like a magnet.
Suddenly, the metallic part turned into moon and the wooden (edge) went off
with speed. Then I started shouting, calling people’s attention to come and see
a knife has turned into moon. As we were looking at it, a banner was displayed
on the sky and some writings were written on it saying “SINCE THE YEAR 020 – 2015, THE COUNTRY NIGERIA HAS FAILED ME.”
After it other writings were displayed and faded off within a blink of an eye,
so I could not read them.
Then I started pleading for mercy
in the dream. Some people were asking my dad if he saw what was displayed on
the sky and he said yes.
While I was trying to let them
know there was need for repentance, he was pointing to me telling me that a lot
of drinking is coming and some people were having a kind of nonchalant
attitude, that they have been hearing things like that before.
Finally, I woke up and prayed
went round to wake others at the vigil so that we could pray together. Coming
back to the prayer place, I heard someone telling me that the prayer we should
pray is “Lord don’t let me miss it” Judges 15:9-13
***This is a sign of high rate of
backsliding amongst the Christians in our country Nigeria. It’s obvious that
God recognizes us as Christians but we’re not keeping up to God’s stand and commandment.
We’ve fallen for the devices of the devil.*** PLS SHARE WITH OTHERS
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